Cardiac Intensive Care Unit/Cardiac High Dependency Unit

Cardiac intensive care (CICU) is a 24 bedded unit. It is split
into three distinct areas caring for patients following heart
surgery. We have 13 beds in which we can look after patients who
require assistance with their breathing via a ventilator and 11
high dependency beds for those who are not quite ready to return to
the wards. Most patients stay in the CICU for about 24 hours.
During this time they will be cared for by nurses, doctors,
physiotherapists and other team members. Nursing care is on a 1:1
basis while a patient is requiring ventilatory support and as the
patient improves, decreases to 1:2 or 1:4 nurses per patient,
depending on how well the patient is progressing. We appreciate
that the CICU can appear a frightening place for visitors and
patients but as team we are always here to help you.
For an example of what uniforms you can expect to see on the
ward, please view the image below.

Feedback on the ward
Please have a look at the comment cards below for some
recent feedback from our patients.
Friends and family test
From April 2013, patients maybe asked a simple questions
about their stay to identify if they would recommend a
particular ward to their friends and family. The results of
this friends and family test will be used to improve the experience
of patients by providing timely feedback alongside other sources of
patient feedback.
Dr Amit
Ranjan Lead Intensivist
Sue Gibert, lead sister