BHI CardioNomics
Welcome to the BHI CardioNomics Hypertension & Heart
Failure Research Group
We are a group of clinicians and researchers interested in
HYPERTENSION (high blood pressure) and HEART FAILURE (when
the heart doesn't pump blood as well as it should). We
are trying to understand what causes these conditions and
develop new ways to prevent and treat them.
Dr Angus Nightingale runs a weekly Hypertension Clinic at the Bristol Heart
Institute, specialising in the treatment of patients with
high blood pressure. This clinic is unique as it is not
offered anywhere else in the country. We offer novel treatments for
hypertension, including renal
denervation, as well as the opportunity to take part in research
studies to find out more about these conditions.
May 2021: We are back!
We have now been given permission to restart recruitment to all
of our research studies, with COVID-19 safety measures in place.
Click here to see which studies we are running. We are looking
for volunteers with heart failure, high blood pressure & also
'control' volunteers without any health conditions.
May 2019: Heart Failure Patient Education Day at BAWA
There were some great presentations about lifestyle changes such
as meditation that can help patients with heart failure, then
medicines in heart failure and how to manage them. Followed by time
for patients and their carers to come and chat about our

May 2019: Would you like to help guide our future
We are looking for people who might, from time to time, be
willing to communicate via phone or email, or occasionally, be able
to meet with us to help decide how and what we should study. This
is known as Patient & Public Involvement (PPI). People who
choose to get involved in this voluntary work generally find it
stimulating and rewarding and it's extremely important for us to
get the perspective of patients in our research.
Click here for more information and/or to join.
April 2019: 2 new studies open to recruitment!
We are looking at the underlying mechanisms of of the 2 types of
Heart Failure and also the Sex Differences in Hypertension click herefor more
September 2018: As part of Know Your Numbers week, we headed to
Farrington Park Golf Club to measure Blood Pressures and Body Mass
Cam Valley Rotary Club were keen to get a quick health check
after a round of golf - we may have had a few excuses of losing a
round of golf for some of the higher BP values ;-). Great day out
and lovely to meet the members of the club. How does your Blood
Pressure compare on our chart?

June 2018: Take a look at our latest research publication!
One of our recent studies led by Dr Ben Chant, has been
published in a major journal. It shows the different levels of
blood pressure reached during exercise in people with and without
high blood pressure.
Click here to read more! We would like to thank all of the
amazing participants who took part and made this possible!
We are now on Twitter
You can now follow our research activities via our twitter page
We have been very excited to join the
Stroke Association for some of their Know Your Blood
Pressure events over the last few months in and around Bristol. The
next event will be at
The Galleries in Bristol on Saturday 22 April between 10am
and 4pm.
Come and check your blood pressure, plus chat about
opportunities to take part in research. We look forward to
seeing you there!
You can follow the South West Stroke Association team on
Facebook and
Deep Brain Stimulation for
hypertension in the national press!
Dr. Erin O'Callaghan (Senior Research Associate) and Mr. Nikunj
Patel (Consultant Neurosurgeon) present a case of deep brain
stimulation as a treatment for hypertension to the American Heart
Dr Emma Hart discusses a novel new target in the treatment of
On the 17th of May 2016, the Cardionomics group celebrated
World Hypertension Day by providing free blood pressure checks at
Cribbs Causeway Bristol.
The event was a great success with more than 180 people of all
ages having their blood pressure measured. The blood pressures
collected was sent to the World Hypertension League who have
published the results of all the events happening the world
Our very own Dr Emma Hart has been invited to talk at
Physiology 2016 International Conference in Dublin on Sunday 31st
It's a fantastic achievement to be invited to give the
Physiological Society Sharpey-Schafer Prize Lecture. Emma will be
talking about 'Is high blood pressure self-protection for the
Click here to watch the
livestream from 11:15 on Sunday or for more information click here
High Blood Pressure is known as the silent killer. How much do
you know about Blood Pressure?
Test your knowledge with this Blood Pressure quiz! click
Our next blood pressure awareness day is coming up on Tuesday
17th May 2016 to coincide with World Hypertension Day!
Do you know your numbers?
We will be based at Cribbs Causeway (Upper Level opposite
Swarovski) for the day checking blood pressure and talking about
our latest research projects. Come and see where your blood
pressure lies on our chart.

Feb 2016: Professor Julian Paton from the BHI Cardionomics
group interviewed for Medical News Today on new approaches to
hypertension treatment
Hypertension: are we missing something?
Prof Paton talks about the role of the nervous system in blood
flow and the research the team are doing to develop new ways to
treat high blood pressure. Click here to read the full

Dec 2015: Bristol Heart Institute leading the way with new
heart failure technology
We will be part of a team evaluating new technology called "my
health tags", which will remind patients to take their prescribed
medicines for heart failure.
Please click here for more information on this
exciting project, which we hope will help patients with heart
failure, as well as save money by reducing medicine wastage.

Sep 2015: Optimising Blood Pressure Control - preventing
strokes and review of the latest evidence.
Meeting to discuss the Interface between Primary and Secondary
Thanks to everyone who attended this multi-disciplinary, evening
meeting at Engineer's House, Clifton. It was well attended with 40
healthcare professionals including nurses, pharmacists and GP's and
received great feedback. We plan to continue to make this an annual
event. Below is a summary of presentations from the

New study open to recruitment!
Would you like to volunteer to take part in a research study?
Please click here
for more information.

May 2015: Cardionomics Group involved in Pint of Science
High Blood Pressure & the Selfish Brain at the
Hen & Chicken
Drs Angus Nightingale and Emma Hart gave a talk on high blood
pressure in Bristol and why new findings show that people with high
blood pressure may have different blood vessels compared to those
with normal blood pressure. Is these anatomical changes causing
high blood pressure or is the high blood pressure causing the
changes. Great to be involved in spreading the word about research
and science going on in Bristol!
For more information or to volunteer for our brain blood flow
study please click here.
Blood Pressure Day - Wednesday 20th May 2015
As part of International Clinical Trials Day, we held our
fourth Blood Pressure Day in the Bristol Heart Institute
100 staff and visitors had their blood pressure checked
and we raised awareness of the problems of high blood pressure and
the importance of having regular health checks.
We also had some interest in our current research studies, which
is great - please click here
if you are interested in taking part in a blood pressure study
We are planning to hold our next Blood Pressure Day in
Winter 2015.
Blood Pressure Day - Wednesday 9th July 2014
We recently held our third Blood Pressure Day in the BRI Welcome
The aim of this event was to increase blood pressure awareness
and encourage people to have their blood pressure checked.
Hypertension (or high blood pressure) doesn't usually cause
symptoms, so many adults do not know that they have it. High
blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and
kidney disease. The only way to find out if you have high
blood pressure is to have it checked. High blood pressure can
be treated and the risk can be lowered.
The event proved to be very popular with both staff and members
of the public, with 195 people visiting us to have their
blood pressure checked.
Optimising Blood Pressure Control - QOF and Beyond
The Interface between Primary and Secondary Care.
Wednesday 9th October 2013
Thank you to everyone that attended the recent evening meeting
held at Hotel du Vin, Bristol.
It proved to be a popular evening with over 55 GPs, secondary
care clinicians and allied health care professionals attending this
interactive masterclass.
Please complete the feedback forms to receive a certificate of
Hypertension Management Study Day - Wednesday 21 August
Thank you to everyone that attended the Hypertension Update for
Practice Nurses on 21 August.
It was interesting to hear about the
challenges of managing hypertension in primary care. We hope
you took away some tips and tricks from our Hypertension Clinic
experience and will send out copies of the talks in the next few