Cardiac surgery
The facilities for cardiac surgery include four fully equipped
cardiac operating theatres, one of these is a hybrid theatre
allowing combined cardiac surgery and cardiological
procedures. This is supported by a 25 bedded intensive
care/high dependency unit. Ward accomodation is provided on
Ward C705 (was ward 51) and
C708 (was ward 52).
Following a referral from a cardiologist, patients are seen in
outpatients by a consultant (either at the BHI or at a peripheral
clinic) and if suitable are then listed for surgery. There are
two main types of surgery - heart bypass (coronary artery bypass
grafting or CABG) and valve replacement surgery. 
Patients are admitted onto Ward C705 (was ward 51) and C708
(was ward 52) or the day case unit on the day of surgery,
where appropriate. Following surgery patients proceed through
Intensive Care Unit (usually for 24 hours), onto High
Dependancy Unit and then back to the ward. Patients normally
stay for five to seven days and are then usually seen six
weeks after surgery in outpatients.
Since 1996, a comprehensive annual audit report for adult
cardiac surgery has been produced - one of four centres in the UK
to make such information available to the public. Now
included in the report is patient mortality outcomes for individual
surgeons, Bristol being one of the first hospitals to do