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Transition was good. Everyone was friendly, helpful and caring

Cystic Fibrosis


As you move from child to adult services, you may start to think more about what you would like to do and achieve in the future. People with Cystic Fibrosis are now living longer and healthier lives. Cystic Fibrosis does not have to hold you back and stop you from having hopes, dreams and goals for your future.

As you get older, you may want to consider how you would like to spend your time. You might already have lots of hobbies that you enjoy or you may want to try out some new hobbies and activities. Is there anything you would like to be doing differently in your life?


You may be starting to think about what you are going to do when you leave school. This can be a difficult decision for everyone, regardless of whether you have Cystic Fibrosis or not. Cystic Fibrosis does not have to limit your choice of career or your aspirations for your future. More people with Cystic Fibrosis are in employment now than ever before. When deciding what you would like to do, it may help to think about what motivates or interests you and whether there are any jobs or careers that may fulfil these interests. If you decide to apply for a job, you may want to think about whether the working environment is suitable for you and your Cystic Fibrosis symptoms and whether it will be possible to have flexible working arrangements for you to attend clinic appointments.   If you have any difficulties at work, speak with your Cystic Fibrosis team, as they may be able to help. 


Perhaps you would like to go to University or college and Cystic Fibrosis does not need to stop you from doing this. Have you thought about what course you may enjoy or find interesting? If you move away from home for University, it is important you keep up your treatment routine and it is worth considering how far the nearest specialist Cystic Fibrosis centre would be from your chosen college or university. When choosing your accommodation, there's some key features which you may want to ask for, such as a fridge in your room for your medications, self-catering and windows that open if you nebulise your antibiotics. Speak with your Cystic Fibrosis team when you are deciding on a University so they can give you some advice. Although it is important you consider these things when deciding on a college or University, they do not have to stop you from going to a University you would like to go to.

There is information produced by the Cystic Fibrosis Trust that can help you think about what you want to do alongside information to help your college or university support you and understand Cystic Fibrosis better, you can find links to them here. You may also be eliable for support with items you need for University through the Joseph Levy grant.