Our vestibular service offers Audiology direct referral
vestibular clinics, combined Ear Nose and Throat Department
(ENT) and Audiology Complex Balance Clinics. We have close links
locally and regionally with ENT, the paediatric and transition
programme, complex needs, The West of England Cochlear Implant
Programme (WEHIP), the skull base and neuroma clinic,
physiotherapy, neurophysiology and neurology. We are also able to
offer Audiology direct referrals for Magnetic resonance imaging
Frequently asked questions
Why have I been referred to the vestibular service?
You have been referred for vestibular (balance) function testing
to investigate the cause of your dizziness, vertigo or
Your sense of balance is controlled by the brain which brings
together information from: your eyes, the movement sensors in your
joints and the vestibular (balance) organs in your inner ears. If
there is a change in the function of any of these systems you may
feel dizzy, unsteady, or both. This may include feelings of
unsteadiness or light-headedness and sensations of spinning,
falling or moving. Even if the change in function was only
temporary, you may still feel on-going symptoms of unsteadiness,
light headedness and disorientation. Additionally you may
experience hearing changes, nausea or fatigue.
Carrying out vestibular function testing will help to both aid
in the diagnosis and treatment of your condition.
How can I be referred to the Vestibular service?
Please contact your GP for a referral in the first instance,
unless you already have an 'open' appointment with us, i.e. you
have been seen by this service within the past 6 months.
What do I need to do before my appointment?
If you have any specialist communication requirements please
inform us as soon as possible.
Your ears need to becompletely free of wax. Your own GP surgery
can usually check your ears and remove any excessive wax. Please
arrange this with your GP surgery before the appointment.
Avoid alcohol 48 hours before the appointment. Continue to take
medications as prescribed by your doctor.
Please be aware that failure to comply with any of the above
requirements may mean re-arranging your appointment.
What do I need to do on the day of my appointment?
We will explain everything to you during the appointment and we
will gain full consent for every test that we carry out. You do not
have to do anything that you do not want to do. There are some
tests we may not be able to carry out if you have a history of
certain conditions e.g. epilepsy, angina/hypertension (depending on
how this is controlled).
Please feel free to have someone accompany you in the
Please wear comfortable clothing as you may need to lie flat on
an examination couch and move into different positions for the
Please do not wear any eye make-up, including mascara, eyeliner
and eye-shadow, as this can interfere with our eye movement
recording equipment. It is fine to wear either glasses or contact
You may wish to consider someone driving you home, although most
people feel fine after the tests. Allow plenty of time for parking,
as this can be difficult, and we may not be able to see you if you
are late for the appointment.
We are a teaching hospital, and there may be a trainee or
student either present, observing or leading the appointment.
Please let us know if you would rather that they are not present or
are not leading the appointment.
What is involved in vestibular function testing?

The vestibular function testing appointment will last between 90
minutes and 2 hours. We will begin with asking you some questions
about your dizziness or balance problems and will ask about your
previous medical history. A range of balance function tests will
then be performed to determine whether your dizziness originates
from the balance organs in the inner ears. For most of these tests
you will be asked to wear a pair of goggles with a camera attached
to observe and record your eye movements. This is because there is
a reflex linking your eye movements with the balance organs in the
inner ears.
The tests we carry out will depend upon your symptoms and may
include some or all of the following:
- Measuring your standing ability on a solid surface and an
unsteady surface with your eyes open or closed.
- Recording your eye movements whilst you view the motion of an
LED light in front of you.
- Recording your eye movements with your head or body in
different positions.
- Recording your eye movements during small, fast head
- Recording your eye movements after a small amount of warm or
cool water has been run into each ear canal in turn. In some
instances air may be used instead of water.
How will I feel?
Some of the tests may make you feel dizzy or off-balance,
however you should soon feel back to normal again. These tests
should not trigger off further attacks of dizziness.
When will I know my results?
When the tests are completed the clinician will be able to
discuss the results with you and give a verbal summary. Some
results take some time to analyse and the clinician may not be able
to give you all the results on the day. A full report will be given
to the referring doctor and a copy will be sent to your GP.
What if I don't want to do some the tests?
Verbal consent must be given by you before we perform any tests.
If you do not feel comfortable with some of the tests the clinician
is describing please let them know before the test as alternatives
can be arranged.
How do I change or reschedule appointments or find out further
Please contact our department by telephone on 0117 342
5854 (option 2), or email Audiology.dept@uhbw.nhs.uk
Appointments are run at both St. Michael's and Southmead
Hospitals. Please check your appointment letter for the address of
your appointment.
Please view our patient information leaflet for Diagnostic
Audiovestibular (DAV) or for the Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP)
Please note emails sent to Audiology.dept@uhbw.nhs.uk
are not secure.