How will my involvement make a difference?

When you tell us about your care with us, it really does make a
difference. We can already point to very good examples of how
patient's and carer's comments have been used to improve the
patient experience at the Trust.
- Feedback from patients and carers has shaped the way we provide
patient information on our wards: a new 'Welcome Guide' reflects
the information patients and carers told us they wanted to
- Feedback we received from carers of patients with Dementia has
been instrumental in the Trust purchasing ward based 'reminiscence
- An Ophthalmology Paediatric Service project involved parents
and children/young people in a review of the surgical service,
informing the development and design of the new paediatric
outpatient department.
- Young people were involved in the development of the Bristol,
North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) self-assessment
framework for the transition of patients with long term conditions
from paediatric to adult services.
- Patient feedback about the level of noise at night on the wards
has resulted in a plan to install quiet closing bins on all
- Members of the Bristol Physical Access Chain and Healthwatch
are involved in making sure our new Patient Catering Booklet offers
the right information for patients.
- Members of the Bristol Physical Access Chain and Healthwatch
have also been involved in the design of our new Welcome Centre to
make sure it is accessible to people with physical and sensory
- We are working with the Patients Association to ask people about their
experiences of using our complaints process.
- Trust members, patients and members of the public have been
commenting on the quality of our services and our plans for the
future at public meetings.