Quick Question

What is
Quick Question?
Quick Question is a DrDoctor
product that sends a text message to patients with a link to a
question. Patients can respond with Yes, No or Unsure and the
hospital staff then
take action according to each
If you receive a text
message from
the mobile number ending in 039092
do not ignore it - your
response will be crucially important to help us manage our waiting
list and your ongoing care.
on your response, we will be in touch with you again with further
advice and guidance on next steps. Please be assured that we will
not make any changes to your waiting list status unless we hear
from you, and any appointment dates you may already have still
Please note
that any comments attached to your response will only be used to
manage our waiting lists and therefore, might not be reviewed by a
If you have a worsening
medical problem or concern with an existing condition, and are
unsure what to do, please contact your usual healthcare provider
e.g. your GP
or NHS 111) directly.