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BWHC Legacies

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Bristol and Weston Hospitals Charity Legacy Research 

Very generous bequests have been made to Bristol and Weston Hospitals Charity (BWHC) for research focused around:

  • Cancer (general)
  • Bowel Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Ophthalmology
  • Neuroscience and Mental Health
  • Orthopaedics

We are inviting expressions of interest for funding up to £50,000 per project for up to 18 months to conduct preparatory work towards a larger NIHR project or programme grant application, the main aim of which should be of ultimate benefit to University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust patients and/or staff, and the wider NHS.

In the first instance, please send an Expression of Interest (EoI), maximum of 2 pages, to

This should include:

  • Name, role and institution of lead applicant and co-applicant(s) and collaborators.
  • The overall aim of the larger NIHR grant and which funding stream, that will directly follow on from this pump-priming funding
  • The background/need for the research
  • Who will be the beneficiaries of the work
  • What preparatory work will be undertaken in the BWHC legacy grant, and any specialist expertise that will be required
  • Since this funding is for preparatory work only, we would not normally expect that the proposed project will require HRA/NHS ethics approvals. Please provide a justification if such approvals are required and the resulting impact on the timelines to deliver the project
  • A short summary of how the funds will be used and an estimate of the timelines. Funding may be used for dedicated research time for the lead applicant (if NHS employed; see eligible costs below) to buy out their time to lead/undertake the project and prepare the subsequent NIHR grant application

Funds will only be made available to staff with full or honorary appointments at UHBW. University of Bristol or West of England employees who do not currently hold an honorary contract are eligible to apply if they collaborate with a UHBW employee who is a named co-applicant.


This is a rolling call and EoIs can be submitted at any time.


Applicants are welcome to contact the UHBW research grants manager in advance of submitting an EoI ( Following receipt, the EoI will be reviewed by the Chair and Deputy Chair of the UHBW and BWHC Research Funding Committee, Research Grants Manager, and a member of the Research Design Service. Applicants may then be invited to submit a full application which will be reviewed by members of the Research Funding Committee.

Allowable costs

UHBW staff time; university staff time if directly incurred. Charity funding rules apply (no indirect, estate costs or DA staff costs). Consumables (including small items of equipment), patient travel, PPI expenses, travel for stakeholder engagement.

Ineligible costs

University indirect, estate and DA staff costs. Equipment including computers/laptops. Conferences, publication costs. Maintenance or repair of existing equipment. Salary inflation without prior approval from the funder. Studentships. HR costs including but not limited to maternity/paternity leave and sickness (these should be met by your substantive employer).

Contact if you have any questions.

Note this call for EoIs is in addition to the usual twice yearly small grant calls, details of which are available via research-innovation/for-researchers/lead-research-and-apply-for-funding/local-funding.