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Children's interactive website
Visit our interactive website designed for young patients between the ages of 8-12. You'll find lots of information about what happens at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, and some fun activities too.
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National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)
The National Deaf Children's Society provides support, information and advice for deaf children, young people and their families.
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The Family Centre (Deaf Children)
The Family Centre (Deaf Children) is a small local charity supporting over 190 families that have a deaf child or deaf parent.
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Types of hearing loss

Babies and children learn speech and language by imitating the sounds they hear all around them and they become familiar with speech sounds from before they are even born. Hearing is an essential part of learning to speak and communicate.

There are different causes, types and severities of hearing loss. Treatment options can only be determined once the type and cause of the hearing loss is identified.

Please see the pages below for further information:

Hearing levels explained

Causes of hearing loss 

Temporary hearing loss in babies and children

Permanent hearing loss in babies and children

Good communication tactics

Parent to parent support