14 October 2019
Monday 14 October is Allied Health Professionals Day!
Today, Monday 14 October is Allied Health Professionals Day, a
grassroots awareness day where health organisations and
professional s across the country celebrate the work done across
the NHS by allied health professionals (AHPs).
As the third largest workforce in the NHS, AHPs play a vital
role in assessing, treating, diagnosing, and discharging patients
for a wide range of conditions and illnesses.
At UH Bristol alone there are over 500 AHPs working across each
of our sites and providing high quality care and treatment to all
of our patients.
There are 14 different allied health
- Art Therapists
- Drama therapists
- Music therapists
- Chiropodists/podiatrists
- Dietitians
- Occupational therapists
- Operating Department Practitioners
- Orthoptists
- Osteopaths
- Paramedics
- Physiotherapists
- Prosthetists and Orthotists
- Radiographers
- Speech and language therapists
Find out more about each of the AHP roles on the NHS England
Throughout the day, UH Bristol alongside other NHS Trusts and
healthcare providers will be active on social media. Search
for #AHPsday to see some of the things being done to celebrate
allied health professionals across the NHS.